Helping doctoral students finish FASTER 
so they can become DOCTOR SOONER.

3 Simple Steps

STEP 1: Watch The Video

STEP 2: Watch At Least One Client Success Interview & Look at the Results

Future Rev. Dr. HOLLY STRICKLAND tells about her successful doctoral journey and shares her #1 piece of advice!
How the now Rev. Dr. TAMLA WILSON finished her dissertation with 2 kids, a full-time job and ministry!

How Dr. TAUREAN WEBB improved his time management and work efficiency with a growing family in a global pandemic.
How Future Dr. LESLIE BOWLING-DYER went from “getting lost” in the everything-ness of her program to reinvigorating her “Why” for pursuing a doctorate.
The Dr. JAIMIE CRUMLEY  tells about her successful doctoral journey and how she lived a full life while doing it!
The Dr. DAWRELL RICH shares his doctoral journey, the shifts that occurred before and after working with me, and his advice for future doctors. 
Listen to the now Dr. PRISCILLA WOOD share about her doctoral success and her #1 tip for future doctors!
How Future Dr. WHITNEY BOND went from almost quitting her program to completing her Program Of Study in just 90 days!
How Future Dr. JANA PETERSON excelled in her program without putting her life on hold!
How the now Dr. CHELSEA YARBOROUGH went from having self-doubt to embracing being a scholar!

How the now Dr. TAWANNA DAVIS went from being on medical leave for 18 months to quickly flourishing in the academic world!

STEP 3: Secure Your Spot!

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Institutions With Whom Dr. Smith Has Worked:

Who Is Dr. Shanell T. Smith?

I am your favorite doctoral expert.

I help doctoral students successfully navigate the various stages of their program with ease so they can not only finish faster, but finish faster without sacrificing quality.

I've been there. 

I understand the pressures that come along with the doctoral pursuit. I get the demands on your time, and the urge to take away that time from your loved ones. I've experienced the "I'm-not-built-for-this-ness" that many doctoral students feel. And I understand the anxiousness and unease that one feels when you just don't know what to do because you've never done a doctorate before. 

I am a product of great mentoring. Having earned my Ph.D. in 3 years and 9 months with 2 kids, I came away with tips, strategies, and advice that make the doctoral process not just manageable, but also enjoyable.

So I've made it my mission to share what I know with future doctors around the world.

Teaching the HOW for the WHAT that institutions require.
And after 8 years as a full-time Associate Professor, I resigned so that I could focus all of my energies on doing just that.

Over the years, doctoral students have come to me with their health deteriorating, they've lost their families due to resentment that festered, and they've struggled with so many things common to all doctoral students such as time management,
impostor syndrome, writer’s block, lack of productivity, and so on.

For this reason, I created my proven Accelerate Your Doctorate® Method. Through private and group coaching programs, I help doctoral students from start to FINISH.

There is a better, healthier way to earn a doctorate, and I am committed to teaching future doctors how to do it. 

Disclaimer: The testimonials above are provided for educational purposes only. We make no guarantees, promises, warranties, or representations about your individual outcomes. Results are not guaranteed, and any earnings or success statements should not be interpreted as benchmarks for your personal achievements. Success varies widely among clients and depends on numerous factors. Past results do not guarantee future outcomes, whether financial or otherwise. The client success interviews and testimonials should not be viewed as representative of "average earnings" or "average results."

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